Please email or fill in the form if you wish to subscribe to our newsletter for special days and discounts. We have different ones for riders hiring bikes, riders owning Honda CRF, Ls, Rallyes, and RE Himalayans, enduro bike owners, and adventure and classic bike owners. Your contact details will never be passed on to anyone else and will be stored securely. All marketing communications include details of how to stop receiving emails from us. We do not use phone marketing, only email and Facebook.

We regularly supply gift voucher prizes to events and charities such as Blood Bikes and to clubs raising money for their supported charity. If you wish to contact me about this, please email Marianne or use the form on the contact page.
Marketing and Privacy Policy
Your contact details will never be passed on to anyone else and will be stored securely.
Marianne Walford is the administrator for Trail Rides Wales. If you subscribe or contact us, your email address will be recorded and used for future communication, including marketing. It is kept securely and is not made available to any other companies or persons. If you give us a phone number, this will only be used in connection with a booking, not marketing. All marketing communications include details of how to stop receiving emails from us. I will keep your email address a maximum of ten years.